An NWU student in front of the Great Wall of China.
Student/Alumni Success Stories

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Modern Languages Department
JoAnn Fuess
Department Chair
Old Main, Room 220
Lincoln, NE 68504
(402) 465-2225
jmf [at] (jmf[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)

Student/Alumni Success Stories


Sienna W. (’22)

Majors: Political Science and Modern Language Studies
Language: Spanish
Study Abroad Location: Finland
Impactful experiences: Collaborative research project with Dr. Bauer on immigration rhetoric in NE
Prestige Scholarship:   I am applying for a UK Summer Fulbright scholarship to Northern Ireland this summer.
Career goals: To work for the government in foreign policy or affairs, possibly for the UN, CIA or another international organization.

Kamryn P. ‘22

Kamryn P. (’22)

Majors: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Modern Language Studies
Language: Spanish
Study Abroad Locations: Alajuela, Costa Rica and Vigo, Spain
Impactful Experiences: I have truly loved being part of the Spanish department in general as all the professors are dedicated to my success. I had many conversations with my last professor, Dr. Ricaurte, to talk about my goals and prepare me for my departure. I’d highly recommend attending the presentations of those who have studied abroad in all the modern language departments. This helped answer my questions and allowed me to envision myself studying abroad someday. My advice is to really just dive into studying your language and all the department has to offer!
Career goals: I would like to become a bilingual physician and be a member of Doctors Without Borders to serve those who do not have access to healthcare.

Sierra R. ‘21

Sierra R. (’21)

Majors: International Business & Modern Language Studies
Languages: Spanish
Study Abroad Locations: Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, Spain
Impactful Experiences: Family Literacy service learning, participating in IRO and having the opportunity to be president my sophomore year
Career Goals: I am still keeping my options open, but am considering doing the Peace Corps after college and then plan to find an organization or company with an international presence

Aidan A. (‘20)

Aidan A. (’20)

Majors: Spanish, Philosophy & Religion
Minor: Mandarin Chinese
Languages: Spanish, Mandarin Chinese
Study Abroad Location: Chile
Impactful Classes: Logic and Mandarin Chines
Career goals: Law with a focus in legal translation / general translation work

Andrea B. (’21)

Andrea B. ‘21

Majors: Social Work and Modern Language Studies
Language: Spanish
Study Abroad Location(s): Salamanca, Spain (summer 2019); Valparaíso, Chile (Spring 2020)
Impactful experiences at NWU: Getting involved with Greek life as well as just about every one of my classes at NWU (especially those in the Social Work Department) really encouraged me to step out of my box and use my voice. I am amazed at the way my leadership skills, life skills, and confidence in general increased right under my nose in my first two years of college. I knew NWU was the right place for me, but I couldn’t have expected just how incredible my experience here would be. I am blessed beyond measure to be called a Pwolf
Career goals: It is my plan to get a master’s degree in social work and go on to work in the area of child welfare and/or maybe forensic social work. The goal is to reach as many individuals as possible out of genuine love and care. I am confident that my Spanish skills will supplement social work well in order to better achieve that goal.

Aaron O. (’20)

Aaron O. (’20)

Major: Modern Language Studies; Minor: Sports Management
Language: Spanish
Study Abroad Location: Córdoba and Buenos Aires, Argentina
International Internship: Higher Level Football Coaching Internship (Buenos Aires)
Impactful experiences at NWU: I can't single out a specific class, but overall NWU has been an incredible experience. The environment that has been created here is very conducive to individual development. The teachers really push you to grow and learn every day. I am very thankful to go to Wesleyan!
Scholarship: Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship
Career goals: Professional soccer coach or club translator

Tessa H. (’22)

Tessa H. (’22)

Majors: Biochemistry/Molecular biology; Minors: Modern Language Literacy and Mathematics
Language: Spanish
Study Abroad Location(s): Salamanca, Spain (summer 2019)
Impactful experiences at NWU: Getting involved in scientific research starting in my first year has gained me invaluable experiences in the lab. I’ve also enjoyed being involved in both band and track and field, which has made me a well-rounded person and has introduced me to some of my best friends.
Career goals: Grad school, then some sort of research

Zaruhi “Zara” S. ‘14

Zaruhi “Zara” S. (’14)

Major: German; Minor: English
Languages: I studied German and English, and also speak Armenian and Russian
Study Abroad Location: University of Salzburg, Austria
Impactful Experiences: I worked at the Office of Global Engagement as a student assistant and learnt a lot from Sarah and Yoko - my supervisors. Another valuable experience was the annual German Weekend organized by Jo Ann - my German language professor.
Awards: Who's Who Among Students at American Universities and Colleges Award (2015), ISEP Annette Kade Scholarship (2014)
Career path: I currently work at an international university here in Hamburg, Germany as a B2B Student Advisor. My years at Wesleyan motivated me to pursue my master’s degree in Germany, and later to begin a career in international education.

Clayton D. (‘13)

Clayton D. (’13)

Majors: Spanish, Biology; Minor: Chemistry
Language: Spanish, English
Study Abroad Location: Heredia, Costa Rica (summer immersion) and Montevideo, Uruguay (semester)
Impactful Experiences: New Student Orientation Leader
Awards: National Sigma Delta Pi Study Abroad Scholarship with additional receipt of the Richard Chandler Award for being the "top applicant"
Career Goal: Physician in Interventional Pain Management
Career path: After graduating from NWU in 2013 I attended medical school at UNMC and graduated with my MD in 2017. I'm in my 3rd year of anesthesiology residency and I'm currently applying for fellowship in interventional pain management. The most direct benefit of majoring in Spanish was the acquisition of a language that I commonly encounter with my patients, but I also grew in many other ways. I improved my reading comprehension and my composition skills immensely, both of which have proved invaluable in medicine (national presentations, publications in scholarly journals, etc.). Studying abroad placed me in a foreign environment where I was forced to quickly improve my street smarts. I gained confidence in being my own self. I learned to communicate with and relate to individuals that were from a culture entirely unique to my own. I also discovered my love for traveling.

Emily P.  ('16)

Emily P. (’16)

Major: Spanish; Minor: French
Languages: Spanish, French, Japanese
Study Abroad Location: 2013-2014 in Vigo, España
Impactful Experiences: If I had to pick a few that were especially relevant to my life today, my mind immediately goes to French Table, working as a peer assistant in Centennial Hall, and getting to know the international students both on campus and while abroad.
Career Goals: I admit I don’t have a specific job title in mind; I’m simply gathering my experiences as I go and with each one I learn something new about myself that points me in the right direction. As I move on to my next adventure, I’m a little more savvy and more than equipped to sculpt the next stone in my path.
Career path: I first learned the "embrace the embarrassment" mindset by attending French table, but I further developed it while my quick wit and I were on loan to Galicia (país mítico!) in Spain my entire sophomore year. These encounters, among others, left me with not only more courage when facing the real world, but also with a solid confidence when facing myself. I was welcomed into a mosaic community that valued me for being me, encouraged my adventurous side, and didn’t shrink back from my ugly sides. That freedom I felt opened up an entire world for me, and when I graduated from Wesleyan, I didn’t hesitate to embrace it. Hence the wrangling adolescents in France. I absolutely love it.

Lacey J. ‘09

Lacey J. (’09)

Major: English, German, and Secondary Education
Languages: German, Spanish, and Twi (local language to Accra region of Ghana, West Africa)
Study Abroad Locations: Marburg & Emden, Germany (NWU); Accra, Ghana (through Univ. or Oregon); Croatia/New Zealand (professional projects)
Impactful Experiences: German Language Weekend; Modern Language Dept Assistant (tutored in German); Writing Center - Writing Consultant for English/German; PA for Floor of International Students, International Student Association, and many others
Prestige Scholarships: Fulbright Scholarship to Germany; Scholar Athlete Awared (Track)
Career Goals: Equity and Sustainability Consultant
Career Path: Currently, I consult on, develop group trainings, and facilitate processes for leadership around equitable design in local government and imagining new systems that heal past injustices and inequities and seek to transform systems that create space for equitable sustainability and community development goals. I also work with teams to develop language access plans for folks in the community who have limited English language proficiency and consult on developing inclusive public participation processes to increase the level of participation in local projects for marginalized communities.

Kaycie R.  ‘11

Kaycie R.  (’11)

Major: Spanish and Political Science; Minor: Gender Studies
Language: Spanish
Study Abroad Location: Coquimbo, Chile
Impactful Experiences: I was a member of Global Service Learning which allowed me to participate in local, national and international service learning.
Career path: Immediately after undergrad I went to live in Guatemala where I worked for a non-profit for a year. After that, I attended Harvard Law School where I specialized in corporate law and immigration law. I spent 5 years in Chicago working as a corporate attorney, and I am now doing corporate law in Denver. While corporate law is my primary job, I have been able to focus all of my pro bono work on immigration matters, including asylum cases, bond hearings, DACA applications, U-visas, special immigrant visas, and more. I truly enjoy using my Spanish while working with my many pro bono clients.

Molly S. ‘12

Molly S. (’12)

Major: Exercise Science, Spanish
Study Abroad Location: Cordoba, Argentina
Impactful Experiences: Translating at Clinic with a Heart for senior project, Spanish Composition and Conversation classes and Culture of Spain with Dr. Nelson (super challenging, but I learned a lot!)
Scholarships/Awards: Academic All-American for tennis, Sigma Delta Pi Hispanic Honor Society
Career path: Right after graduating from UNMC with a Doctorate of Physical Therapy, my husband and I moved to the Washington, D.C. area. Over the past five years, I worked in an outpatient orthopedic clinic – often getting to use my Spanish with native speakers. Since moving back to Nebraska recently, things have come full circle: I am translating at Clinic with a Heart once again. One of my goals is to pass my love of Spanish along to my son!